First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Partner's Name
First Name
Last Name
Partner's Sex/Gender
Partner's Age
Partner's Date of Birth
Child's Name
First Name
Last Name
Child's Sex/Gender
Child's Age
Child's Date of Birth
Phone Number
Email Address
Home Address
Emergency Contact Person and Phone Number
Preferred Days/Times for Appointments
Any Significan health Problems/Concerns
Date of Last Physical Exam
What Brings you in Today?
What Would You Like to be Different Because of Our Sessions Together?
When did the Problem Start?
When is the Problem/Situation Better?
When it is Better, What Have you done to Make the Problem or Situation Better?
How Did you Learn About this Counselling Practice?
If You Were Referred by a Health Care Provider, Medical Centre, or Referral Services, Please Identify the Source so I can Thank Them. Your Name Will be Kept Confidential. Name of Person or Referring Organization
Phone Number and Address of Referral if Applicable
Although counselling is a collaborative activity, ultimately only you can make the best decisions for yourself. As such, it is important to be provided with pertinent and valuable information to help you in those decisions.
Counselling requires a commitment of time, money, and energy, and it is therefore important that you feel comfortable with your counsellor. Unlike visiting a doctor, counselling requires your active involvement and efforts to change your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. These changes may at times be swift and easy, but more often than not, they will be slow, frustrating and require consistent effort. Your counsellor will work with you to specify goals and methods of treatment in order to tailor therapy to meet your needs in a way that works for you. Sometimes effective treatment will require appointments with other professionals, your counsellor will make recommendations and provide a rational for such suggestions.
An appointment is a commitment to therapy. Both you and your counsellor agree to be on time. If you are late, you will probably not be able to meet for the full time as it is possible that your counsellor has another appointment after yours. Therapy sessions are 55 minutes long. Generally sessions are scheduled at weekly intervals- at times that are mutually convenient to you and the counsellor. Your counsellor will inform you of any vacations as early as possible prior to any time taken off. During vacation times your counsellor may give you the name of another counsellor to contact in care of emergency. It is required that you provide a minimum of 24 hours notice for cancellation, except in case of emergency. Failure to give 24 hours notice will result in your having to pay for the missed session. If you miss sessions on a consistent basis, your counsellor may wish to discuss your commitment to therapy with you. If your counsellor fails to give you 24 hour notice of a cancellation, except in case of emergency, they will provide you with a free session at a later date.
Contacting your Counsellor
If you need to reach your counsellor, you may phone 778-887-8425. Please leave a message if your counsellor is unavailable to take your call. Primarily, the purpose for calling your counsellor should be limited to scheduling appointments. If it is an emergency and you need immediate assistance please call 911 for emergency assistance.
Record Keeping
We take the confidential nature of our discussions with you very seriously. All communications and records related to your counselling will be kept confidential. We maintain files for our own information so that we can help you in a planned and organized manner. These records are locked and kept in a secure premise. Please be advised that client files are kept for a maximum of 7 years.
Counselling with Family Members
In some circumstances we work with more than one family member (for example, partners, siblings, parents, children, etc). You have the right to work alone or with other members of your family. Sometimes family members are seen separately by the counsellor, and sometimes everyone is seen together. If you or a family member is seen separately, we believe in the right of all family members to privacy in their communication with their counsellor. In general we take the view that discussions which take place in the counsellor’s office are confidential to those present. We ask that family members respect the boundaries of privacy and confidentiality whether or not they are children, partners, siblings, or parents. We ask that this be seen not as “keeping secrets” but rather, as each person’s right to choose when and with whom they share their own information.
Therapist's Supervision, Case Management, and Information Sharing
It is sometimes necessary for counsellors to share information with their supervisor(s) or consulting professionals to ensure quality of service and case management. Even experienced counsellors sometimes seek supervision and consultation with other experts to improve their knowledge and ability to perform therapy, ultimately in order to provide you with better service. In the event that your counsellor seeks out supervision or consultation relevant to your case, your information will be treated with the utmost care and privacy. However, some details may be shared in order to facilitate the process of supervision.
Release of Information with Consent
We will ask for your written permission before we consult with other professionals outside of our confidentiality agreement. You will be able to specify the information that is shared. This consent will be time-limited and may be withdrawn by you at any time.
Release of Information without Consent
Counselling is a private and confidential conversation, however, there are several situations in which we are obligated to release information or files about you even if we do not have your signed consent. We can be required by court order or statutes to release your file by order of a judge, or to testify under a subpoena. We are required to report to the proper authorities if we know of child abuse or if there is the possibility of immanent and serious physical harm to yourself or others.
Your Concerns and Rights
You are invited to share and discuss any of your concerns regarding counselling directly with your counsellor. It is your right to be informed.
I agree that I have read and/or had the above information explained to me. I have discussed my any concerns with my counsellor and understand its meaning.
Client Signature
First Name
Last Name
Partner's Signature
First Name
Last Name